
How Stable Was Athenian Democracy?

Understanding Ancient Greek Culture with Professor Roberts

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

A twofold tale I shall tell: at one time it grew to be one only from many, and at another again it divided to be many from one.

~ Empedocles, fr. 17.1-8

It’s time to take a step back and see if we can understand the ancient Greek culture... a task both extremely ambitious as it is rewarding.

How do we understand the discrepancy between how women were treated in ancient Greece versus how they were portrayed in mythology?

How did the Greeks come to understand human character? Did location and climate play a role? 

And just how stable was Athenian Democracy… if at all?

This month’s Podcast with Professors is with Jennifer T. Roberts, Professor of Classics and History at the City College of New York and the City University of New York Graduate Center. She is author of many books, including most recent, Out of One, Many: Ancient Greek Ways of Thought and Culture, of which we speak about above. 

Members can watch the entire Podcast with Professor Roberts here:

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Anya Leonard
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