Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,
I hope you are having a fantastic weekend, wherever you may be!
It is the beginning of spring down here in South America, and apparently that’s something they take seriously in these parts. So I’m going to go out and enjoy the festivities (apparently ice cream is a must) and leave you with this week’s articles, in case you missed them.
Also, Classical Wisdom Members can find your round up below as well.
If you aren’t a member yet, but would like to unlock all of Classical Wisdom’s resources (including in-depth articles, e-books, our Classical Wisdom Litterae Magazine, as well as this week’s NEW Podcast with Professors: Breakfast with Seneca, an interview with David Fideler) make sure to take advantage of our Special Offer here:
Offer only valid for another three weeks… so check it out before it expires! Now, onto Ancient Heroes or Cry-babies? Anaxagoras, Plotinus and how to prepare…
This Week’s Articles:
Member’s Round Up
That’s all from us today. I’ll tune in tomorrow for our regular Monday mailbag. In the meantime, Happy Equinox!
All the best,
Anya Leonard
Founder and Director
Classical Wisdom