Many, who post on internet sights, do so under pseudonyms. In a sense, they are invisible. The question is, do they feel bound by the same moral and ethical standards anonymously, as they would if their thoughts were attached to their real identity?

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And what if a nation were ruled by invisible leaders? What if the visible rulers were not really the rulers at all, but only appeared so? What if the visible rulers were merely going through the motions, creating distractions, playing as in a theater? What then?

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Perhaps you are not knowledgeable enough to also mention that Tolkien was a devout Catholic and that Christian themes pervade his works. “The Classics” (whatever those are) are in large part preserved because of the “preservation” efforts by Christians (read Catholics) beginning after the decline of Rome in the 5th century A.D.

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It’s impressed me Tolkein was able to deliver essentially Christian ministry without any mention or clear direct reference to Christian mythologies or dogma. He’s like a Mr Rogers of fantasy fiction. Cheers

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“Ad majorem Dei gloriam!”

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Fascinating, thank you! Tolkien is among my favorites - the mythological tie-ins are just too tasty!!!

This ancient moral quandary conjured for me a more modern flavor on a similar theme, recently written up in the Atlantic…“Toxic” vs heroic masculinity.


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