So much compassionate praise.

So much vile hate.

Reflections of the vailing haze.

Reflections of the hidden craze.

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Whatever I read these days brings me insight into our political moment. As a young person I was an avid solo backpacker and mountain hiker. The challenge of making do in whatever circumstances my environment presented using only my wits and what I carried in my pack gave me joy. I fancied myself stoical in a way.

Our President has faced unspeakable tragedy in his life, yet never succumbed to despair. He renewed his purpose by remarrying and continuing to serve in Congress. As President he has steered our ship of state ably and wisely. He is humble, and unostentacious in his lifestyle, resolute in his values.

Compare these qualities to the self-centered, wealth-obsessed, deceitful, hateful braggart opposing him. No thoughtful person should struggle to choose between these two!

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