Bertrand Russell had high praise for Thales but none of his work was extant. Russell was on the other side of the wall with access to private libraries. The rest of us get the scraps off the table especially undergrads.

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In reading this it occurred to me that apeiron is similar in concept to the Tao

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We stand on the shoulders of giants and pygmies. Trouble is, we have one leg on a giant’s shoulder and the other on a pygmies. Needless to say it is a very precarious position.

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Another great article! Would you say return to the apeiron or perhaps the alternative; peras. The term chaos originally came from the Greek word for abyss or void. Its been said, when the physical creation was born it was unaware of what was before and separate from the spiritual world. This fifth element not mentioned here, is called aether. There are may ways to interpret this ancient knowledge of the beginnings as branches of cosmology, cosmogony, and cosmotheology. I've taken upon myself to jump down thus rabbit hole and wrote on it. If you have interest you can check it out at https://truthprevails.life/topics/f/cosmogony#af04c0a1-9c42-4c63-a2f6-98a8744c60e4


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