The location he choose for the capital lies between the Virgin Mary (Virginia & Marysland), just off the Tiber. It is also worth noting who Washington's banker was.
It is said he offered the kingship to a Stuart after the war, but Stuart refused.
The Masonic Influence of George is well documented, it is a shame no modern writer will attempt to disclose the true extent of this organization in government and how it has advanced since G.W's time.
The location he choose for the capital lies between the Virgin Mary (Virginia & Marysland), just off the Tiber. It is also worth noting who Washington's banker was.
It is said he offered the kingship to a Stuart after the war, but Stuart refused.
The Masonic Influence of George is well documented, it is a shame no modern writer will attempt to disclose the true extent of this organization in government and how it has advanced since G.W's time.