Jul 29Liked by Classical Wisdom

Ugly, mediocre, bad taste, that is all I can say about it as a performing arts professional. If they wanted to express ideas about Greek mythology, they failed. If they wanted to mock Christianity, they failed. After China’s , Beijing 2008 exceptional performance, all following were BS. Just like politics today and their actors as well.

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I'd say it's designed to bother divide and unite. Without that emotion there is no thrill for a win. Sports itself is a religion, and its temple are the stadiums. At least with those I grew up around. I've broken down the three types of people who go to the games. Those who seek glory (the athletes), those who seek riches (the owners, vendors, and aristocrat's), and finally the (lovers), spectators of the game, who are there to see thier team win and triump over the other side. Apparently the curators wanted a piece of all those parts this year.

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Jul 29Liked by Classical Wisdom

Just say that Theodosius I was NOT "the man on whose watch the Roman Empire was irrevocably rented in twain".

It was his grandson, Theodosius II.

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Aug 2Liked by Classical Wisdom

Sport is about individuals. Even the Ancients would argue about and or support Theban/ Spartan's/ Adabadians and who were better!

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Jul 29Liked by Classical Wisdom

with thanks for this useful article

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Jul 29Liked by Classical Wisdom


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The Olympics are meant to unite us in the demonstrations of human athletic skill and endurance.

Greek Olympics were an ancient meritocratic competition which once included the arts.

Unfortunately, meritocracy is being angrily disposed of by the Western woke government-supported and promoted LGBTQueer movement. Hence, we now have gay/lesbian/transgender people performing public vulgarity "pride" parades ..... and going after our children .... as they threaten us directly themselves. What is there to be proud about? Are they telling us their bedroom sexual deviations are superior to all us heterosexual people? WE are actually the ones contributing children to further the human race. Seems the LGBTQ people contribute perverted hate and nonsense. Then when a normal person speakjs out against the madness .... we are accused of hate speech (against heir hate!) .... just like the non-white racists accuse anyone as being a racist if you dare to disagree with their specially heinous brand of racism called CRT. 1984 anyone? .... War is Peace, Hate is Love, Lies are Truth ..etc. BS!

I used to support the gay/lesbian community .... you know .... the "to each his own" way of living without interference - freedom of the individual mindset we use to have and miss dearly!

Well ..... I can not longer support the politically aggressive monster the LGBTQueers have foisted on the rest of us good people. The woke LGBTQ mobs are telling us what and what not to say to them .... whoa ...use the wrong pronoun and you can be accused of "violence". Censorship of diverse opinions about transgenderism is not allowed. Is this freedom?

I think not.

If we as decent caring humans for our children, families, and loved ones ...... must reject this woke LGBTQ monster before it destroys society and the human race itself. All the rainbow love BS excludes everyone of us who refuse to accept LBGTQueer transgenderism ...... sexually mutilating our children BOTH physically and psychologically while the Biden/Obama/Harris regime RACISTS make more and more punitive laws against any of us "normal" people who have opinions against "compelled (forced) speech and their wacky pronouns. This is mass psychosis delusional government brain washing going on in our schools, MSM, and social media. Seems that there is no end to celebs being in favor of the democrat woke destruction. These celebs will lose their audience. The "white celebs" seem to forget that they have been deemed evil systemically racist oppressors by thr party they support and stupidly fund .... think George Looney, and damned DiNero (misspelling intentional) . Most of America and Europe is fed up with these racist sexist jihadist supporting woke A-Holes.

The woke LGBTQ Olympic Opening was an ugly disgrace. If they think that constantly getting "in our faces" at major events (or clown parades) is helping them .... they are plain stupid. That Last Supper routine was a slam against Christianity and had little to do with Greek mythology. One pervert had his penis hanging out .... he knew it. One major funder of the Olympics pulled their funding out because of these QUEERS. There is speculation that France's first "lady" is actually a trans-man ..... check on Candice Owens discovery.

Do not forget that the dems ib America, and the Labour Party in the U.K., and Macrone's woke globalist government are "NOT"A for the people anymore .... they are for supporting and protecting MASS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ..... diluting and destroying Western countries with absolutely HEINOUS agendas AGAINST the people of their countries.

The democrats must be diempowered in this years election before we are all destroyed.

There is ONE RACE = THE HUMAN RACE ...... and it is heterosexuals that PRODUCE CHILDREN.

Don't allow the woke governments to destroy our families and children .... and our economy!

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France was a country I always wanted to visit and Paris was the jewel. That was until France decided it no longer wanted or needed US armed forces stationed within its borders during the Cold War. Then came 1982 and a recreational services guided 5 day trip from Frankfurt to Paris with the wife and visiting in-laws who just had to go. To be honest I returned with some very fond memories (a night at the Moulin Rouge was the cap stone), but more that showed me why they're some of the rudest people I've ever met who claimed to be the leading edge in avant garde artistry, in everything imaginable.

So here it is 2024 and they are still doing it, without regard to acceptability by anyone not French.

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France was a country I always wanted to visit and Paris was the jewel. That was until France decided it no longer wanted or needed US armed forces stationed within its borders during the Cold War. Then came 1982 and a recreational services guided 5 day trip from Frankfurt to Paris with the wife and visiting in-laws who just had to go. To be honest I returned with some very fond memories (a night at the Moulin Rouge was the cap stone), but more that showed me why they're some of the rudest people I've ever met who claimed to be the leading edge in avant garde artistry, in everything imaginable.

So here it is 2024 and they are still doing it, without regard to acceptability by anyone not French.

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