It is more critical now than ever. Thank you

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Just in time: we are discussing both Crito and Letters from Birmingham Jail this week in Liberal Studies.

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How my grandfather negotiated the Montgomery Bus Boycott with Martin Luther King:


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I like this article in general, and here's a link to a Stanford site where you can read one of Dr. King's less known speeches and writings from 1957 where he literally discusses the various ancient Greek terms for different types of Love (see link to his speech below):


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Thank you for the link!

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you miss the point , nothing ever changes , except the names of the actors and the quality of the weapons . I was hopping freights and landed in Chicago on my way to New York walking down the track, 3 long hairs unloading musical equipment asked me if I knew them , i said no , they were the Bee Gees , they must have seen my look of disgust , I was a Cream and Hendrix fan .They asked if I knew what the sirens were about , I said no , King had been assassinated ! The day had been insane in Chicago already so i just kept walking to the next station ,a long walk in a really nasty sleet storm .Just staying alive , Staying Alive .

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MLK jail was days. There are peaceful prolife witnesses being jailed years, even a decade.

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King's commitment to the ethic of love is paramount to understanding his efforts to uproot injustice. It's also important to recognize that he argued racism was but one piece of a "giant triplet of evil" that also included militarism and materialism (economic exploitation). I highlight these features of his life and work here: https://jeffreynall.substack.com/p/three-evils-and-an-ethic-of-love

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