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One episode of the history of Lipari is missing: Before the Greeks, around 1300 BC (?), Italians from the Italian continent invaded first the Lipari islands and then Sicily, beginning with Messina (then Zancle). These were the Sicels who conquered the eastern part of Sicily, while the Sicani remained in the southern and western part. And the island changed its name from Sicania into Sicilia. There are various traditions about Aeolus and his sons. Other stories have six sons (which fits to Homer), other seven "heroes". They are said to have ruled over different parts of Sicily and the area of the Italien continent next to Sicily. Another tradition calls the king of the Sicels, who came from Italy, "Italus". It is unknown whether the land had its name from the king, or the other way round. Most probably, Italus was more a title than a name: (v)italus = son of a bull, young bull. When assuming that the highest god was identified with a bull (therefore much bull cult in Italy and Sicily), then the earthly desendent of this god is logically called (v)italus. The "v" is the same sound as the digamma in Greek (Achilevos = Achilleus), it fell silent or gained sound, depending on the development of language. The word still lives in our days, in Italian "vitello" and "veal" in English.

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