So after reading others comments here, it would appear nobody has a belief in pre-determination. If one follows their own reasoning, by definition, they have gone against free choice or free thought. Self-reasoning is an internal process that is influenced by beliefs and thought patterns. Since we don’t cause our own nature, we are subje…
So after reading others comments here, it would appear nobody has a belief in pre-determination. If one follows their own reasoning, by definition, they have gone against free choice or free thought. Self-reasoning is an internal process that is influenced by beliefs and thought patterns. Since we don’t cause our own nature, we are subjected to its effects; governed by unseen forces.
Classic example- When Pandora opened the jar that she was instructed not to, it was not by choice. Zeus set this trap, because he knew her curiosity would cause her to open it. The causality; a neurological impulse led by her minds pursuit of happiness- an irresistible force. The effect; blame of releasing all evils of the world was given to Pandora. Perhaps free will (human nature) was not questioned before? Humans cannot cause their own nature, but are the result of it- therefore where does the blame go? As humans, we are somewhat chained to what makes us happy- and typically that happiness comes from chasing our own desire(s).
When not physically restrained, we can feel a strong sense of freedom, which can lead some to believe that we in fact have free will. In reality, free will is a figment of the imagination because of our ignorance (limited thoughts and awareness) constrains us, simply by neurons reacting to unseen forces, such as neurochemical effects. Say for example, this weekend one person goes to a night club and gets drunk, and another chooses to stay home and watch a movie. In either case, the decision is already made before it becomes a conscious thought, due to the way our brains are wired, respectively.
To truly become free will, I think it is possible, but not likely.
So after reading others comments here, it would appear nobody has a belief in pre-determination. If one follows their own reasoning, by definition, they have gone against free choice or free thought. Self-reasoning is an internal process that is influenced by beliefs and thought patterns. Since we don’t cause our own nature, we are subjected to its effects; governed by unseen forces.
Classic example- When Pandora opened the jar that she was instructed not to, it was not by choice. Zeus set this trap, because he knew her curiosity would cause her to open it. The causality; a neurological impulse led by her minds pursuit of happiness- an irresistible force. The effect; blame of releasing all evils of the world was given to Pandora. Perhaps free will (human nature) was not questioned before? Humans cannot cause their own nature, but are the result of it- therefore where does the blame go? As humans, we are somewhat chained to what makes us happy- and typically that happiness comes from chasing our own desire(s).
When not physically restrained, we can feel a strong sense of freedom, which can lead some to believe that we in fact have free will. In reality, free will is a figment of the imagination because of our ignorance (limited thoughts and awareness) constrains us, simply by neurons reacting to unseen forces, such as neurochemical effects. Say for example, this weekend one person goes to a night club and gets drunk, and another chooses to stay home and watch a movie. In either case, the decision is already made before it becomes a conscious thought, due to the way our brains are wired, respectively.
To truly become free will, I think it is possible, but not likely.