Christmas is a pagan holiday, with roots in Nordic Yule and Roman Saturalia. The real "reason for the season" is the winter solstice, not church. Great article, happy Saturnalia! (Festivus for the rest of us).
Also, it's so great to see Anya and Lexi talking together, both of them are awesome!
It never dawns on Christians their faith in Jesus is based on a repurposed Zeus with a bit of Dionysus thrown in. As further proof, see Jeremiah 44 the prophet of God who lambasted the Jews for worshipping the gentile goddess Asherah / Ishtar (Mary) the mother of god, and Queen of the Universe. The prophet describes the entire family gathering to make bread wafers offered with wine to the goddess. Let it be noted God no longer recognized these He previously called family.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Like the song says, 'Heaven is Just a Sin Away'.
Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion . . . an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
December 25 was the birthday of the I"Invincible Sun". Sol Invictus.
AGNIS - Sol Invictus (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . .
Christmas is a pagan holiday, with roots in Nordic Yule and Roman Saturalia. The real "reason for the season" is the winter solstice, not church. Great article, happy Saturnalia! (Festivus for the rest of us).
Also, it's so great to see Anya and Lexi talking together, both of them are awesome!
Funnily enough we met for the first in real life last week!
"Welcome, our friends, here comes the sun,
breath out, we are finally reborn.
Time flies in circles and rerun, so fast,
but time is an illusion and it bends,
and now it makes much more sense.
We've experienced strange days, but you have to remember
life is just a ride.
Dance and sing along with us tonight, spring has arrived.
Look at the horizon, the sun is reaching out,
from the mountains to wash away the fear.
No fear no more, stand up straight, together,
with all the wanderers of mind and the dreamers of a different world.
If we stand together as one we will overcome,
we will finally be free, sailing to an open sea
we will rise to the sky like a sparkle in the night.
Our friends, welcome!"
SKYFORGER - "Night of the Winter Solstice" live at KILKIM ŽAIBU 15 . . .
Io Saturnalia!
It never dawns on Christians their faith in Jesus is based on a repurposed Zeus with a bit of Dionysus thrown in. As further proof, see Jeremiah 44 the prophet of God who lambasted the Jews for worshipping the gentile goddess Asherah / Ishtar (Mary) the mother of god, and Queen of the Universe. The prophet describes the entire family gathering to make bread wafers offered with wine to the goddess. Let it be noted God no longer recognized these He previously called family.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Like the song says, 'Heaven is Just a Sin Away'.
Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion . . . an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
Io Saturnalia everybody!! I hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday!!
Very interesting! I never knew what it was called before Christmas