Dec 29, 2023Liked by Classical Wisdom

To make realistic resolutions which are possible. Comparing one man's determination to change with the perpetual corruption and rampant lies spewed by the 'so called' leaders of our Republic. Existential possibilities are omnipresent and the people responsible have abandoned virtue, honesty and loyalty. So me as one person will make my resolutions and strive to fulfill them and continue to enhance and refine my thinking by continuing to subscribe and absorb as much as possible from this great Classical forum!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Classical Wisdom

Reading all this helps me to re look at we’re I’m going and each year there is a subtle change in how I approach my life hopefully for the better. My experience is renewed in little steps toward being me. Thank you happy learning new year peace and love. Helen Donnelly

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I've found that basing my resolutions on the things that are already important to me is the best way to keep them. A hundred-hundred passing fancies are bound to pop up over the course of a year - I can take those as they come, and decide if they're worth pursuing as they arise. A resolution works better, to my way of thinking, if it's used as a method of staying focused and diligent: ensuring that I read at least a certain number of books, write something (anything) every day, keep my average daily workout duration above a certain threshold, etc.

I think most people fail in their resolution because they want to change their life in one, grand, sweeping way. The real winning strategy is long-term, gradual improvement of the positives.

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“If a thing is humanly possible, consider it within your reach” –Marcus Aurelius

Marcus was a philosopher.

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Jan 1Liked by Classical Wisdom

Setting realistic expectations with a goal of further reducing my carbon footprint by shredding paper goods. I succeeded last year in my weight loss goal by going plant based for diet and found this also saved $ and reduced trash (down to approx. 12" x12" a week) which were also nice side effects!

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