Jun 29, 2023Liked by Classical Wisdom

To see these comments gives me hope that we the people have the power….

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Responding to whether "first" matters: as a gay person who lived through the anti-gay 1980's and 90's in a conservative state in the USA I'm very weary of people who put more emphasis on abstract symbols, beliefs, traditions, history, cultural habits - especially religious based ones- than they do on the needs, concerns, issues of real-life living people. For example in my past experience religious people often rejected their own flesh-and-blood living children - did physical violence to them or refused housing and food - simply because the parents preferred a symbolic abstraction to their kids.

Enough!! More kindness and flexibility please for everyone!!

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Les passeports et les frontières sont des réalités politiques et sociales qui existent dans le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Ils sont utilisés pour réguler les mouvements de population, maintenir l'ordre et exercer un contrôle sur les flux migratoires. Bien qu'ils puissent avoir leurs raisons d'être, ils soulèvent également des questions et des débats éthiques.

Du point de vue stoïcien, nous sommes tous membres de la communauté humaine et nous partageons tous une humanité commune. Les frontières artificielles créent des divisions et des distinctions artificielles entre les individus, renforçant parfois les préjugés, la discrimination et les inégalités. Ils peuvent également entraver la libre circulation des personnes et limiter les opportunités pour ceux qui cherchent une vie meilleure ou qui sont dans le besoin.

Cependant, dans le monde actuel, les passeports et les frontières sont considérés comme des nécessités pour des raisons de sécurité nationale, de gestion des ressources et de préservation des systèmes sociaux existants. Il est donc difficile de contester complètement leur existence et leur utilité pratique.

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Comment balancer le bien et le mal de la nature humaine...

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It doesn’t matter. First, last, longest, it’s conviction and power that pushes aside the previous inhabitants. Funny, isn’t it, how individuals can get along, help each other, but tribes cannot. Seeing the visual of 4000 years brings home the fragility and transitory nature. of man’s quest for dominance. Would that we could find a safe way to bring us home.

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In our modern world there is a practical reason for borders. Although I believe that no one "owns" land (the land owns us) there is still the necessity to care for the land, and a line delineating who is caring for each area is important. If we wish to travel across those lines it is fair to ask who we are and what our intentions are. But such arrangements should be as simple as possible. Equally, those who seek to expand their borders into areas cared for by others should not be allowed to do so unless by mutual consent. History is full of the dreadful results of some people drawing a line on a map and deciding who can live where.

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Several years ago I wrote an article on the end of Europe as we know it. That allowing a new mix of settlers into any country will dilute and change forever what ever attributes that country may have. England, I feel did right in getting out of the EU. However the EU ought to have followed Englands lead. Do I feel compassion for the worlds suffering people. Yes, sure as hell do. I want to help. However bringing them into a prosperous country will only minimize that countries effectiveness . What made it great will vanish. The US has an even more difficult path to follow as seen in the fascist take over over Florida and low education and income states. Where is the balance? Until we can discuss in a civil manner we will become lost in the annuls of history. History is full of lost empires and change is always on the horizon. I think that those few solid countries that are left ought be investing in the migrating countries with money dreams and soldiers if necessary. The Putin's, red caps and others like them that support them ought be abandoned into histories trash pile. there really is enough time, money and energy to repeat everyones right to food, shelter and health. Never a need to be cruel to anyone. Then again there are other opinions. Until, we the people, can find away to live without knowingly harming others, boarders and passports will truly be necessary.

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It may not have come across that way, but I was actually advocating for no borders or passports.

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