
Who is "us"? The social communal construct of society or, more aptly, the Familia of blood and of common acquaintance.

Death is macabre, yet mysteriously an unknown that draws emotional attention to it's inevitability for the living. 'Day of the Dead' festivities are manifestations of human grief, the primal fear of death and the unknowing of what lies thereafter, the clash between the intellectual and the heart over the ego.

Death may well concern us, but for Moi it is a beginning as yet uncompleted. My near-death was not fearful. On the contrary, it was a wonder of emotional calm and intelligible peace I attribute to my life long curiosity of the intrigues of death's meaning and what transpires at the time thereof.

My wife says I sometimes wax philosophically with illogical and unintelligible babble. If this be the case, I have succumbed.

"Fear not death when upon you. Accept and embrace for it is an inevitable end before a new beginning."

All the best,

Darrell P Baker

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Beautifully said Darrell! And I completely concur... my own near death was not fearful at all and was very calm. It is strange we fear it... though perhaps it is a greater fear of the unknown and of missing others. Either way it is a fascinating and extremely important topic. Continue to wax philosophically... you're in good company ;-)

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Thank you, you're response means a lot to me.

To be clinically dead and not even know it, a complete break from conscious reality and time. Nothingness at the flip of a switch. Dreams of being trapped in dreams connecting two worlds of differential dimensions of time and place, caught in an invisible pull from each. Each a manifest reality but only one physically impacting the eternal subconscious. The flickering of a physical return, then a sudden return to a fully recognizable conscious reality in present time. Alive. Aware, not dead, but with a 21 day time hole in the reality of life. In dreams time is only a passing concept.

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