Jan 20, 2023Liked by Classical Wisdom

I'm always a bit confused when people bring up constitutional speech with regard to social media. The only speech protected by the government in that context is that of the platform, the government may not force private business to make speech that they do not wish to make i.e. the bill of rights is exactly what ALLOWS twitter/google/etc the ability to reject your advertisement. The way it's written, the bill of rights will not allow legislation that ensures that all speech is received at the same volume, which is what most people are asking for when they say they want "free speech". As long as there is private property, the 1st amendment will protect the right of platforms to censor as they see fit. I propose we need another label for the concept of free speech as it's colloquially used.

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You are completely right! I've been having a long discussion about this with my husband as well...it is a very important and often overlooked distinction. Saying that, I still get frustrated that my Free speech ads are getting rejected!!

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It is annoying and a little weird, perhaps they think someone on the panel is “controversial” but from what ive seen the folks featured are pretty fair and not very extreme in my humble opinion

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In a sense, only with order can we find freedom; however, in chaos we are never free (that is unless we adhere to the Chaos Theory). What Polybius writes is reflective of the Confucian philosophers, especially Xunzi, who basically says we are naturally desirous and are filled with violence; thus, we need artifice to have civilization and keep us at bay, that is following laws and customs to create a whole. Whether this artifice is of truth or not is not really the quest, we need it for survival and some happiness.

--Herman, H. San Francisco

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What's missing from your ad about free speech? (maybe) History. The history of this issue supersedes politics.

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Interesting! As that is specifically what we'll be addressing.. so maybe you are right, I need to make sure it's clear thats the focus...

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