Aug 30Liked by Classical Wisdom

Can’t help but think that certain so-called speech-making today is just the blithering ramblings of certain lunatic fringe personality that is without either substance or purpose other than to espouse hatred for fellow citizens. None of which is either useful or helpful in the effort to “form a more perfect Union”. The key word being ‘Union’. Some of us have very clearly forgotten or never learned the significance of being united in any meaningful purpose.

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In my youth I spent a good part of one summer selling encyclopedias door toO

door in NYC. Our supervisor and mentor was a gentleman in his late thirties who could have talked his way in and out of Hell itself. His favorite books were Aristotle's Rhetoric and Sophistical Refutations, and John of Salisbury's Metalogicon.

On the academic side I studied The Georgia's and The Rhetoric with a Jesuit named William Grimaldi, author of a fine book on Aristotle's Rhetoric, and himself a very fine rhetorician and dialectician.

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It’s always easy to talk your way in, but talking your way out of Hell is the real trick. Right? It remains to be seen if the Orange One gets a Get Of Hell Free card.

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What a great experience!

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