Anya , hablaste de Bucéfalo y te olvidaste de la perrita de Alejandro Magno que en el momento no me acuerdo del nombre . Leei una biografía de el y quiero buscar en la Fundación Tsakos onde estudo

griego moderno y antiguo el nombre del autor que la menciona. Estoy apasionada por el projecto y empezé a comentar con mis amigas avuelas para que se anoten para sus nietos.

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Ah yes! The dog!!!

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When my son had a high school science project for the science fair one choice was Zeno's paradoxes. I basically wrote the paper for him because Zeno is still a good read and bends your mind to question existence itself. Also part of Plato and Parmenides which few read and wrestle with. I am sure you will teach the death scene in Phaedo. When you get kids to start reading this stuff they are changed forever have and some perspective as they move


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Yes!!! I love doing Zeno with kids - so much fun!!! We'll also do Euclid and Archimedes... so many wonderful lessons...

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Anya and Joel, here's the comment. What age group will you be addressing? Congratulations on this initiative, as well as the rest of the material you publish!

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Thank you!! We'll be specifically addressing elementary school children - so 5 - 10 ideally. However, a lot of the activities/stories/etc can easily be adapted. For instance, this week we'll discuss Socrates visiting the Oracle of Delphi - with the concept of "I do not claim to know that which I do not know" aka I know I know nothing being a very important starting point for learning. We'll discuss what you know vs what you don't know... so you can see how this could work for both younger and older kids.

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Anya, estoy encantada con esa idea y pretendo disfrutar y acompañar con mucha atención.Al lado de filósofos , historia , etc,, por que no un poco de griego antiguo que es fascinante ? Tengo certeza que los niños involucrados con la participación de sus padres se tornaran mejores personas , y se tornaran duplicadores de esta idea no futuro. Infelizmente no puedo pagar mas , pero seguiré dentro do posible. Felicitaciones... y adelante . Emilia

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Muchas gracias!!!

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What a fun idea! Looking forward to these exciting lessons about the ancients 👏👏👏

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Thanks! We are having fun putting them together! I hope you'll like them.

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Best of luck has no hold to such a bold and grand dream destined to be fated successful.

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Dear Classical Wisdom,

I can share my experience of being sucked so deeply into the classics at an impressionable age that I've yet to escape.

I am rather private, though. You have my email from my free subscription, if I may attempt to be of assistance,


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