While it obvious they ancients didn't know what the stars were & invented stories to try to explain it all, it is still amazing to me that they seem to have had this extreme imagination going on - maybe largely those of higher rank who didn't have to do hard work in the fields or had time to think - the shepherds possibly also since they largely stood around 'watching the flock' - but I am still quite stunned at the stories they invented to try & deal with what they didn't understand. Maybe life was so unpredictable they only survived thru making stuff up to cope with the things that they could not control - IOW they all lived in a fantasyland ???

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There is no such thing as a winter or summer equinox. The equinoxes are when the day and night are the same length in spring and fall. The proper term is the Winter Solstice. A minor nit to pick, but I do feel it is important to use words correctly.

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You're completely right. Fixed and updated. That's what I get for posting in a rush!

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Happens to the best of us ;-)

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Your use of the Ursa Major photo reminded me of the logo of Orion Pictures (RIP), where it was incorporated in a visual image.

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