Weekend Roundup
Weathering the Storm, Ostracism, Music, Pride and a Legacy worthy of the ancients....
Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,
It’s been an epic weekend… we went out to the ‘campo’ (countryside) with friends in order to bear the 100+ F heat, hang by the pool and watch the big game. (While I’m not normally a sports fan of any sort, it’s impossible not to get into the mundial spirit down here).
The universe, however, felt it was instead a good opportunity for me to put my money where my mouth is, to walk the talk, to really test out my philosophical notions. In other words, it was a moment to practice being anti-fragile.
This was all done more or less simultaneously when the excessive heat turned off the electricity (and with it the air conditioning). Next went the running water… and then all cell service or signals.
THEN came the massive storm with winds of biblical proportions… and the house started to flood…
Oh and the baby got a fever… and we ran out of drinking water.
Fortunately we were in good spirits (Tanqueray 10 if you were curious). Indeed, what else can you do with so many things happening out of your control?
And also Argentina won the match… so that helped.
All this to say, we have just returned to the city, and with it wifi, so here’s the weekend round up a little later than usual! Enjoy!
All the best,
Anya Leonard
Founder and Director
Classical Wisdom
P.S. If you didn’t see our last chance announcement, please do so here. We will send off the final orders tomorrow morning… which is our cut off if the books are to arrive in time for the holidays! Don’t miss out on being a part of this beautiful legacy.
Brilliant! I’m glad everyone is ok.